2006 already? 

Reflecting how things have changed over the last 6 years since I got my first computer. I started my internet business from my home in Chicago with nothing but a single idea and advice from my ex's Dad who was a self made millionaire. It snowballed into an amazing adventure. I am forever grateful for Ed, who gave the gift of believing in me. It paved the way for me to go West to Vegas and fearlessly follow my Dreams.

Since then, my little AOL page that evolved into a 9 page website "Rock & Roll Revolution" about the power of Music, has come and gone. All those long snowed in Chicago frozen winter nights paid off. My online music column "Rock Report" is gone too.  Webmaster no longer has the domain or funds to personally keep it going. Never in my life would I imagine all this to happen. 

As a college student in Chicago majoring in Art and Broadcast Journalism, I had poetry published as a teenager and won awards for creative writing and art, thought I had built a solid background. Sent resumes to every newspaper and rock magazine for jobs, and was not given the time of day. But when I got to Vegas, suddenly all my dreams came true in strange ways. My websites and online writing were noticed, and led to paying writing jobs and paying Spokesmodel work around Vegas. It became a whirlwind of never ending VIP parties, last minute coverage of events, interviewing celebrities, reviewing shows and tourist attractions, being escorted thru crowds, red carpets, writing press releases, etc. 

My press pass from Rock Report, was the golden ticket to LA, at NAMM for exclusive coverage. In the end, I realized there were a lot of empty promises made to me, and these associations were riding off the name I made for myself on the Internet, yet they couldnt provide me with steady paying opportunities. All this glitter faded really fast, and I found myself unhappy as I was wasting my time on things that didn't really matter. And they were taking me so far away from my focus of Art and Nature and Music. But I had easily made a name for myself in Vegas, a town where I moved alone, with 3K to my name, a bunch of dreams, and didn't know anyone.

After 8 years of being self employed, I finally am more content and successful being self reliant and creating opportunities from my vision, that having to rely on others. My vision has been my lifeline, and its a gift thats been given to me for a reason. Now, nothing is more important than feeding The Dream everyday, traveling, and getting back to my life's passion and work. Crafting words and images into illuminating stories of Art-Nature-Music.

Those of us who live this artistic life have needs that are different than those who navigate the 9-5 path. Support, passion, and riding the waves of inspiration are essential to those who create. Sometimes we get stuck or blocked by society, negative people or pressure to produce, and the demands of an ever increasing materialistic world. There can be beauty beyond chaos and I intend to find it.....always.

Here I will document my works-in-progress, share some adventures, post my poetry and writing, and unleash nocturnal thoughts. My mind never stops and so here is a home for it. This place is kind of like a virtual press release from my Soul. Everything evolves, and things get streamlined in life as you come full circle. The things that matter truly remain, and the junk gets weeded out. Brassai kept journals in Paris during his artistic journey, and so in the time honored tradition, I will continue mine here.


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