World Co-ordinates 45 42'17 N - 121 47'30 W Historic Columbia River Highway Multnomah County, Oregon Where in the World am I? I am in a green Firebird with T tops off, driving down narrow winding roads of the Historic Columbia River Highway. It is a picture perfect Summer day, with golden sunlight so bright it lights up the trees, forest and wildflowers in almost surreal neon colors. I feel like I'm coasting thru a high dynamic range world. The car's motor is purring like a panther in harmony with the open road. Mesmerized, I cruise past covered wooden bridges, country lanes, and white picket fences lining parts of the highway. The wind blows thru my hair with a cool breeze off the Columbia River to my left. To my right are Mountains of forested cliffs so close I could reach out of the car and touch them. The scents of Nature here are so pure and primal. Miles up the road hidden in the forest is what I'm hunting for today. I'm on my way to the Waterf